This Phone At A Glance:

Acts as ModemBluetoothCameraEmailFlipFM RadioGPSInstant MessagingmicroSDMMS MessagingMotion SensorMP3 PlayerNokiaOrganiserPC SyncSlimSMS Text MessagingSpeakerphoneVGAVideoVideo RecordingVoice Activated DialingWeb EnabledWiFi

The Nokia 7510 is a heavy-duty phone that was released by T Mobile in January of 2009. This phone has a variety of features that the user will enjoy through a brilliant LCD screen. The graphics come through with crystal clear quality on a 2.2 inch screen. Its heavy design makes it able to withstand falls onto a hard surface while remaining sleek in its design.

Nokia 7510

Nokia 7510

The keypad is designed to be spacious and user friendly, making this phone easy to navigate without having to peer at the keys. It’s smooth surface and unique design makes it easy to hold in the hand. The phone offers the user many other features such as USB mass storage, Bluetooth, E-mail and instant messaging. It has easy-to-use texting and multimedia features that the user can enjoy anywhere, especially with its integrated Wi-Fi system that is a part of T Mobile’s Hot Spot @ Home service. This phone would make a great present to a friend or a family member.

The Nokia 7510 has a built in camera so that the user can take pictures anywhere they go. The USB mass storage feature can hold songs, pictures, videos that can be viewed or heard on the phone. People can e-mail their pictures to a friend or chat with someone on a computer with the instant messenger feature. The Nokia 7510 also allows the user to change the front and back covers with three color options.

There is no reason to pass up the Nokia 7510. It is a phone that is affordable while providing all of the features as a top-of-the-line phone. This is one of the best, affordable phones that T Mobile is offering as a part of its Supernova line. With so many great features on such an affordable phone, these are sure to be popular in the near future. Starting a plan with this phone could cost as little as $50.

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