Mike Elgan of SFGate.com wrote a nice piece today about Google Buzz, and why it is awesome to use on your mobile…

Like me, if you have Gmail, you would have suddenly seen a Buzz section in your Gmail sidebar the other day. “What is this, I thought?” I opened it up and straight away I thought, “Facebook Wall!” If you look at Google’s realtime results, you’ll see they only include Twitter, and “Google”, which is Google Buzz.

So clearly, Google has been feeling freaked about Twitter’s power detracting from their search mega-share. After all, finding product reviews IS a spammy affair on the Twitter search, but it can prove useful. And if you can’t stand the search, you just put out the call for info with your own tweet. I can tell you this really works – even if you don’t have followers. This is because other people  are searching for the same topic you need info about, and they’re happy to share their 140 characters of wisdom with you. Try it!

But what does this have to do with cell phones?

Well, Twitter’s relatively light-weight data, plus the massive array of great clients (Echofon, Tweetdeck, Seesmic, etc) makes it the perfect companion for making your cell phone a boredom killer, restaurant reviewer, product info finder. I ONLY really use Twitter via Echofon on my iPod Touch and iPhone, as it just seems more fun. I’m tuning in when I’m waiting in queues and sitting on the bus. I can get music reviews, gossip; I can do research on my next blogging topics.

My cell phone has become a mobile research station.Productivity has never been this easy.

The iPhone, Nexus One, Nokia N series, Samsung Omnia, and most HTC phones are all excellent platforms for doing the above.

Now go read Mike’s post now to get specific ways you can use Google Buzz to make YOUR life more efficient.